About me
I am a graduate student at the Operations Research Center at MIT, where I am fortunate to be advised by Vivek Farias and Retsef Levi.
Previously, I graduated from Cornell University with a B.A. in mathematics and computer science in May 2021. During my undergraduate years, I worked with various research advisors, including Prof. Adrian Lewis, James Renegar, Alex Townsend, and Christopher De Sa.
I am broadly interested in the mathematical foundations of machine learning, including optimization, numerical analysis, statistics, and geometric deep learning. More recently, I have been working on applications and interpretability of transformer models.
Email: qingxuan@mit.edu
Links: [Resume] [Github] [Google Scholar]
Conference Publications
- Horace He, Aaron Lou*, Qingxuan Jiang*, Isay Katsman*, Serge Belongie, and Ser-Nam Lim, Adversarial Example Decomposition, International Conference on Machine Learning Workshop (ICMLW), Long Beach, CA, 2019. [arXiv]
- Aaron Lou*, Isay Katsman*, Qingxuan Jiang*, Serge Belongie, Ser-Nam Lim, and Christopher De Sa, Differentiating through the Fréchet Mean, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020. [Paper] [arXiv] [Code] [Video]
- Aaron Lou*, Derek Lim*, Isay Katsman*, Leo Huang*, Qingxuan Jiang, Ser-Nam Lim, and Christopher De Sa, Neural Manifold Ordinary Differential Equations, Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurlPS), 2020. [Paper] [arXiv] [Code] [Video]
(* indicates equal contribution)
Journal Publications
- Qingxuan Jiang, Tian Lan, Kasso Okoudjou, Robert Strichartz, Shashank Sule, Sreeram Venkat, Xiaoduo Wang, Sobolov Orthogonal Polynomials on the Sierpinski Gasket, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 27.3 (2021): 1-38. [Paper] [arXiv] [Code]
(In alphabetical order)
Theses and Other Reports
- Proximal Bundle Methods and Nonlinear Acceleration: An Exploration, undergraduate thesis advised by Professor Adrian Lewis. [Thesis] [Code]
- First-order Methods on Large-scale Convex Optimization Problems, research project advised by Professor James Renegar. [Report] [Code]
Other Research Experiences
- Local Elasticity and Generalization of Neural Networks, Advised by Professor Weijie Su
- Analysis and Implementation of Spectral Method, Cornell REU 2020, Advised by Professor Alex Townsend. [Slide1] [Slide2]
- Orthogonal Polynomials on the Sierpinski Gasket, Cornell SPUR 2019, Advised by Professor Kasso Okoudjou and Robert Strichartz. [arXiv] [Website] [Code]
I have been an undergraduate teaching assistant for the following courses at Cornell:
- CS 2800: Discrete Structures (SP18, FA18, SP19)
- CS 4820: Introduction to Analysis of Algorithms (FA19)
- CS 4850: Mathematics Foundations for the Information Age (SP20)
- CS 4780: Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems (FA20, SP21)
Honors and Awards
- Tanner Dean’s Scholars, Cornell University
- Rank 122 out of 4638, William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 2017
- 4th Place, Cornell Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2018
- Honorable Mention, International Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2019
- Member, Cornell University Artificial Intelligence Research Group [Website]
Notes on Various Topics
- Class Notes on Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz Inequality in Optimization [Note]